For centuries scholars have puzzled over the problem of OT chronology and this includes the dating of the sequence of the Hebrew kings. One of the most difficult issues has been the synchronization of the reigns of the various kings. The sacred text, which evangelical Christians accept as fully inspired, provides much information about these kings and how they relate to each other, but when the information is correlated it still leads to difficulties in interpretation. This is not to say that there is no solution to the problem, simply that scholars are uncertain which solution is the right one. As has been mentioned above, Prof Edwin Thiele, professor of Antiquities at Andrews University has made what is considered to be the most comprehensive study of this subject and has published his research in his book "The Mysterious Numbers of the Hebrew Kings" Even he implies that the problems in dating these times are immense.
With a blisstful insesitivity to the real facts the WTS has proceeded along its own merry way, setting its own rules and callously disregards even the fundamentals of historically known data. Lets try and sort out some of the more ignorant of WT speculative conclusions.
1 They first of all pick the wrong termination date for the Hebrew Kings and then simply count back an arbitrarily determined period of years. The termination date they choose is 607 BC for the ending of the Jewish monarchy. This is in diametric contradiction to the well established guidelines maintained by scholars universally, and which have been eloquently proved on this board by many to be 587/586 BC. With angular quotations like "We prefer to believe the Bible rather than secular scholars" they betray their apalling ignorance of facts, since it is these same scholars, evidently spurned by them, which helps establish their favourite date, 539 BC. What they really mean, and what can easily be discerned by those who prefer proof to credulity, is: "We prefer to believe our interpretation of the Bible to secular scholars"
2 Having established a wrong date, and foisting it on their followers as a non negotiable Article of Faith, they then arbitrarily add 390 years to that date bringing up the date 997 BC as the start of the Jewish monarchy. To the WTS, the period of the Hebrew Kings is a period of 390 years and into this period they force the lengths of the various kings to conform. Now thats interesting. Here we have, on the one hand, humble scholars like Prof Thiele who confess to having only an incomplete understanding of all the complex ramifications of OT chronology, while on the other, we have doctrinaire bigots, sitting in supreme isolation in WT HQ, pretentious "scholars" so erudite that they are unable to distinguish a Greek Alpha from a leg of pork, coming up with a neat round figure.
3 So how the hell does the WT leadership come up with that figure? They take a highly interpretive portion of Scripture, give it a spin, ignoring even the basics of biblical hermeneutics, and through the alchemy of legerdermain, they arrive at a conclusion that best serves their interest. The portion of Scripture they choose is Ez 4:1-7. In this object lesson that Ezekiel acts out for the Jerusalem inhabitants, he depicts the period of time that they will be punished for their iniquity. He is asked to lie on his left side for 390 days to depict the iniquity of the Northern Kingdom of Israel, and then to lie on his right side for the iniquity of Judah for a period of 40 days. He is then to count each day for a year.
Well,what does all this mean? I dunno, and it does'nt bother me that I dont know, because if I wanted to know, I would wade through the mountain of interpretations on the market today. The point is that the WTS pulls this enactment out of its context and applies it to the period of the Jewish joint monarchy. The Insight book pg 462, says: "A helpful guide to the overall length of this period of kings is found at Ez 4:1-7."
Now here is the interesting bit: They further state: "The two perids of 390 years and 40 years thus symbolized, evidently stood for the overall length of Jehovah's forebearance with the two kingdoms" Whats "evident" about it? On what basis, other than a predetirmined theology, can we connect the lesson of Ezekiel to the overall length of the Jewish kings? Almost all commentators on this portion of Scripture regard the period mentioned by Ezekiel to the period that they will pay for their iniquity. A period of 430 years. [390+40] Since vs 1 of chapter 1 of Ezekiel, is best placed at 597 BC, then 430 years into the future brings us to 167 BC, when, having paid their dues, and with the sucess of the Maccabean revolt, Judah had a king again.
Why 390 years? To me 390 and 40 makes 430 years. So if the WTS is to use this period for the length of the Jewish monarchy, and if the period terminated in 607 BC, the first king must have come to the throne in 1037 BC, which even the twisted minds of the WT leadership can see is absurd. So to solve the problem, again arbitrarily, they simply make the periods run concurrently. Thus in a convoluted logic that makes the Trinty look trite, 390 + 40 is made to =390!
Which brings us to WT chronology. All WT publications will list the first Kings, Jeroboam of Israel and Rehoboam of Judah as beginning in 997 BC [as I said adding 607 BC to 390 years]
Thiele on the other hand lists them as beginning in 930 BC, which means that since the monarchy terminated in 587/586 BC it must have lasted about 344 years.
This is not to say that we can be dogmatic, because others have other dates: The New Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible lists these kings as 927 BC, and The International Standard Bible Dict gives 931 BC. The reason for the differences is the incomplete information that the Bible gives us for when certain rulers reigned concurrently.
The important thing,however, is that we know when this complicated mosaic of history ended, and despite the Mad Hatter pronostications of the WTS, this date is 587/586 BC